Template AdminLTE Update

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This is a template that can be used on your system.

In it is demonstrated use of Frames, the frames open one below the other, being that the last one will always open in the TOP, useful when tulizado in mobile.

For form it is tulzed a lateral GUIDE that has actions to close the form and to bring the fomulario to ferente.

The menu has scrool and is self-hiding, and can be used in mobile,
the main functions are:

The project uses in visual inheritance. In Lazarus presents a BUG already known
However, this BUG is inherited from components inherited from TGraphicControl. In Delphi it works normally.

error “ancestor class not found”

New forms must be inherited from:
FrameDefault for frames
FormDefault for forms

I hope it will be useful in your projects.

Cristiano Barbosa

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