Windows 10, Raudus 0.9.9, Lazarus 1.2.6 w/ FPC 2.6.4
I am a long time Delphi 7 user, starting with Lazarus, testing Raudus.
I have tried creating a new Raudus project. I put a RaButton (for example, I have tried other components) on the form. I try to create an on click event, either double clicking the button or using gne OnClick under Events in Object inspector. Immediately, the RaControlsVCL opens and I get an error message “\components\Raudus\bin\lazide\RaControlsVCL.pas(7,8) Error: unit not found: Forms”. I get the same issue with the Raudus examples if I try to edit events in any of those.
Test in Project Options shows “Error: C:\lazarus\fpc\2.6.4\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)”